



William "Bill" Overbeck is one of the four playable Survivors in Left 4 Dead, a Vietnam veteran who served in the US Army 1st Special Forces Group. His combat skills have helped to keep him alive, he is also the oldest of the group. In official media, he is usually seen wielding the assault rifle, probably to complement his backstory. He is voiced by Jim French.



Zoey is one of the four playable Survivors in Left 4 Dead, the teenage daughter of a wealthy family. Zoey's face is modeled from actress Sonja Kinski. In official media, she is usually seen holding the hunting rifle, and dual pistols. She is voiced by Jen Taylor.



Louis is one of the four playable Survivors in Left 4 Dead. For the original concept of him, he was an assistant manager at a local retail electronics chain store. Now he is a Junior Systems Analyst in his company's IT department. His clothing resembles the typical business man, but bears a resemblance to Shaun from Shaun of the Dead(albeit with an entirely diffrent race and nationality), who wore a red tie and white shirt. In official media, he is usually seen wielding a submachine gun or dual pistols. He is voiced by Earl Alexander.



Francis is one of the four playable Survivors in Left 4 Dead. He is a large, tough biker with tattoos covering his arms and neck. His tattoos identify him as a member of "Hell's Legion", a name possibly inspired by the real-world Hell's Angels Motorcycle Club. Since his character model has changed, it has been speculated that Francis' new face was modeled after the head developer of the game, Mike Booth, and that he has the Lambda symbol from the Half-Life series cut into his hair. In the official media, he is always seen wielding either the pump shotgun or the auto shotgun. He is voiced by Vince Valenzuela.

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