You won (English ver.)


English lesson by Mr. Sakurai

【Comment(s) from a participant】

  • Is it true that you've never even heard the word "eavesdrop" and you consider "You win." as a wrong expression?

【Response(s) from Sakurai】

  • "You win." is definitely a wrong expression. Such a wrong expression should never be taught to English learners.
  • The word "eavesdrop" barely appears on a dictionary. If I don't know the expression, it means that the word is no longer used.

【Comment(s) from a participant】

  • I wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Sakurai starts saying "'I understand' is a wrong expression and the correct one is 'I understood.'"

【Response(s) from Sakurai】

  • Absolutely! What an idiot!

【Comment(s) from the participant】

  • You don't understand why "understand" is used in a present form and "get" is used in a past tense, do you?

【Response(s) from Sakurai】

  • You fool? No reason for such inappropriate uses!
  • If you learn "sound stream", you'll understand "You win" and "I understand" are total bullshits.


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最終更新:2010年10月31日 09:33


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