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6 General description of the coder 符号化の概説

The G.711 wideband extension codec is implemented in fixed point using basic operators 
version 2.2 defined in [ITU-T G.191], software tool library.
G711広帯域符号化は、固定点(不動点)でバージョン2.2のITU-T Gで実装されます。

This Recommendation provides the detailed algorithm description.

6.1 Encoder

Figure 6-1 shows the high-level block diagram of the encoder. 

A pre-processing high-pass filter is applied to the 16-kHz-sampled input signal sWB(n) 
to remove 0-50Hz components.

The pre-processed signal sWB (n) is divided into 8-kHz-sampled lower-band and higher-band signals,

sLB (n) and sHB (n) , using a 32-tap quadrature mirror filterbank (QMF).

The lower-band signal is encoded with an embedded lower-band encoder 
which generates G.711-compatible core bitstream
(Layer 0) IL0 at 64 kbit/s, and lower-band enhancement (Layer 1) bitstream IL1 at 16 kbit/s. 
低周波は、低周波のエンコーダーと一緒に G711と互換性のあるコアビットストリームIL0 64kbt/sにエンコードされる。そして、低周波(enhance)拡充は、ビットストリームIL2 16kb/sでエンコードされる。

The higher-band signal is transformed into modified discrete cosine transform (MDCT) domain 
and the frequency domain coefficients SHB(k) are encoded together with and its normalization factor
\eta_{HB} by the higher-band encoder which generates higher-band enhancement (Layer 2)  bitstream IL2 at 16 kbit/s.
高周波は修正離散コサイン変換(MDCT)によって、そして周波領域 係数SHB(k)は標準化要素高ηHBといっしょに高周波(enhancement)拡充IL2 16kb/sでエンコードされる。

IL0 64kb/s = 8bit * 8kHz
IL1 16kb/s = 2bit * 8kHz
IL2 16bit/s = 80bit/40サンプル*8000

All bitstreams are multiplexed as a scalable bitstream.

6.2 Decoder 復号化

Figure 6-2 shows the high-level block diagram of the decoder. 

The whole bitstream is de-multiplexed to G.711-compatible core (Layer 0) bitstream IL0 ,
lower-band enhancement (Layer 1) bitstream IL1 , and higher-band enhancement (Layer 2) bitstream IL2 . 
ビットストリーム全体は、デマルチプレックスされG.711と互換性のあるビットストリームIL0,低域強調Layer 1ビットストリーム IL1 そして、高域強調 Layer2 IL2。

Both the Layer 0 and 1 bitstreams are handed to the lower-band decoder. 

The Layer 2 bitstream is given to the higher-band decoder,
and consequently decoded signal in the frequency domain S_{HB}(k) is fed to inverse MDCT (iMDCT),
together with the normalization factor \eta_{HB} . 
Layer2のビットストリームは、高周波デコーダーにあたられます。そして、その結果 周波領域\hat{S}_{HB}(K)は標準的な要素\eta_{HB}と一緒に、逆修正離散コサイン変換 (IMDCT) されます。

By this iMDCT process, the higher-band signal in time domain \hat{s}_{HB}(n) is obtained. 

To improve the quality under frame erasures due to channel errors such as packet-losses,
frame erasure concealment (FERC) algorithms are applied to the lower-band and higher-band signals independently. 

Although the concealment process is performed independently,
the pitch lag TLB estimated in the lower-band FERC is given to higher-band FERC as auxiliary information. 
隠匿過程は独自に実行されるが、低周波 FERCでのピッチの遅れTLBは、補助情報として高周波 FERCに補助情報として与えられていました。

The lower- and higher-band signals, \hat{s}_{LB}(n) and s\hat{s}_{HB} (n) ,
are combined using a synthesis QMF filterbank to generate a wideband signal \hat{s}_{QMF}(n) . 
低周波、高周波信号\hat{s}_{LB}と\hat{s}_{HB}は、統合して、統合体QMFフィルターバンクに用いられ、広域信号 \hat{s}_{QMF}(n) を生成します。

Noise gate processing is applied to the QMF output to reduce low-level background noise.

At the decoder output, 16-kHz-sampled speech \hat{s}_{WB}(n) (or 8-kHz-sampled speech \hat{s}_{NB}(n) ) is synthesized.
デコーダー出力のときに、16kHzサンプルスピーチ sˆWB (n) は合成される。

6.3 Coder modes 符号化のやりかた

The possible bitstream combinations are shown in Table 6-1. 

In total, four modes are defined: R1, R2a, R2b and R3, with combinations of bitstreams. 
合計で、4つのモードが定義されます: R1、R2a、R2b、R3のビットストリームの組み合わせがある。

It should be noted that since the bitstream itself cannot discriminate between R2a and R2b,
an explicit outband signalling of the mode is required.

6.4 Bit allocation ビット割当

The bit allocation of the coder is presented in Table 6-2. 

This table is structured according to the different bitstream layers.

For a given bit rate, the bitstream is obtained by concatenation of the contributing
layers as described in clause 6.3.

