@zigen 's note

povrya memo



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だれでも歓迎! 編集


Compiling and installing

Basic and detailed instructions to compile and install the generic POV-Ray
source code on UNIX-based systems are given in the INSTALL file.

In a nutshell: the package installation is based on a configure script
which detects your environment automatically and adapts the compilation
and installation process accordingly. Simply run:

% ./configure COMPILED_BY="your name <email@address>" # configure the package
% make # build the program
% su # log as root
$ make install # install program + data

Please consult the INSTALL file for further details.

POV-Ray 3.5 was the first effort at an official version of POV-Ray using
a configure script and Makefiles generated by the GNU autoconf and automake
tools. In POV-Ray 3.6 the configure script and accompanying files have been
completely rewritten to work with as many platforms as possible, including
systems that are missing some required libraries; see below. We hope that
not only Linux but many (if not all) UNIX-based platforms will benefit from
the new configure script.

 449  cat readme
 450  ./configure
 451  ./configure COMPILED_BY="xxxx<xxxx@xxxx.co.jp>"
 452  make
 453  su
 454  make install

yama07:/Users/macmini/povray$ su
yama07:/Users/macmini/povray root#make install
 cp povray /sw/bin


$ povray test.pov


Parsing options

 I<name> = input file name
 HI<name>= header include file name
 L<name> = library path prefix
 MVn.n   = set compability to version n.n
 SU      = split bounded unions if children are finite
 UR      = remove unnecessary bounding objects

Output options

 Hn      = image height of n pixels
 Wn      = image width of n pixels

 SRn|0.n = start at row n | start row at n percent of image
 ERn|0.n = end   at row n | end   row at n percent of image
 SCn|0.n = start at col n | start col at n percent of image
 ECn|0.n = end   at col n | end   col at n percent of image

 C       = continue aborted trace
 P       = pause before exit
 V       = verbose messages on
 WLn     = set warning level to n
 X[n]    = enable early exit by key hit (every n pixels)

Output options - display related

 D[xy]   = display rendering (in format x, using palette option y)
 SPn     = display mosaic preview, start grid size = 2, 4, 8, 16, ...
 EPn     = display mosaic preview, end grid size   = 2, 4, 8, 16, ...
 UD      = draw vista rectangles

Output options - file related

 B[n]    = Use buffer (of n KB) for output file
 F[x]    = write output file (in format x)
           FC    - Compressed Targa with 24 or 32 bpp
           FN[n] - PNG (n bits/color, n = 5 to 16, default is 8)
           FP    - PPM
           FS    - System specific
           FT    - Uncompressed Targa with 24 or 32 bpp
 O<name> = output file name

 HTx     = write CPU utilization histogram in format x
           HTC - Comma separated values (CSV - spreadsheet)
           HTN - PNG grayscale
           HTP - PPM heightfield
           HTS - System specific
           HTT - Uncompressed TGA heightfield
           HTX - No histogram output
 HN<name>= histogram filename
 HSx.y   = histogram grid number of x, y divisions

Tracing options

 MB[n]   = use bounding slabs (if more than n objects)
 Qn      = image quality (0 = rough, 9 = full)

 A[0.n]  = perform antialiasing (if color change is above n percent)
 AMn     = use non-adaptive (n=1) or adaptive (n=2) supersampling
 J[n.n]  = set antialiasing-jitter (and amount)
 Rn      = set antialiasing-depth (use n X n rays/pixel)

 UA      = use alpha channel
 UL      = use light buffer
 UV      = use vista buffer

Animation options

 Kn.n    = set frame clock to n.n
 KFIn    = set initial frame number to n
 KFFn    = set final frame number to n
 KIn.n   = set initial clock value to n.n
 KFn.n   = set final clock value to n.n
 SFn|0.n = start subset at frame n | start at n percent in sequence
 EFn|0.n = end subset at frame n | end at n percent in sequence
 KC      = calculate clock value for cyclic animation

 UF      = use field rendering
 UO      = use odd lines in odd frames

Redirecting options

 GI<name>= write all .INI parameters to file name
 Gx<name>= write stream x to console (and/or optional file name)
           GA - All streams (except status)
           GD - Debug stream
           GF - Fatal stream
           GR - Render stream
           GS - Statistics stream
           GW - Warning stream


Parsing options(構造オプション)

 I<name> = インプットするファイルネーム
$ povray test.pov
$ povray +I test.pov

 HI<name>= header include file name

 L<name> = いつも呼び込むライブラリがあるディレクトリパス library path prefix

 MVn.n   = set compability to version n.n
 SU      = split bounded unions if children are finite
 UR      = remove unnecessary bounding objects

Output options

 Hn      = Outputイメージファイルの高さ指定image height of n pixels
 Wn      = Outputイメージファイルの高さ指定image width of n pixels

$ povray test.pov +W640 +H480

 SRn|0.n = start at row n | start row at n percent of image
 ERn|0.n = end   at row n | end   row at n percent of image
 SCn|0.n = start at col n | start col at n percent of image
 ECn|0.n = end   at col n | end   col at n percent of image

 C       = continue aborted trace
 P       = pause before exit
 V       = verbose messages on
 WLn     = set warning level to n
 X[n]    = enable early exit by key hit (every n pixels)

Output options - display related

 D[xy]   = display rendering (in format x, using palette option y)
 SPn     = display mosaic preview, start grid size = 2, 4, 8, 16, ...
 EPn     = display mosaic preview, end grid size   = 2, 4, 8, 16, ...
 UD      = draw vista rectangles

Output options - file related

 B[n]    = Use buffer (of n KB) for output file
 F[x]    = write output file (in format x)
           FC    - Compressed Targa with 24 or 32 bpp
           +FC 24ビットTGA圧縮ファイル 
           $povray +FC source.pov 
           FN[n] - PNG (n bits/color, n = 5 to 16, default is 8)
           +FN 24ビットPNGファイル
           $povray +FN[8] source.pov

           FP    - PPM
           +FP 24ビットPPMファイル 
           $povray +FP source.pov

           FS    - System specific
           +FS システム標準(Windows:BMP,Mac:PNG,Linux:PNG)[デフォルト]
           $povray source.pov <-これでO.K

           FT    - Uncompressed Targa with 24 or 32 bpp
           +FT 24ビットTGA非圧縮ファイル 
           $povray +FT source.pov

 O<name> = output file name

 HTx     = write CPU utilization histogram in format x
           HTC - Comma separated values (CSV - spreadsheet)
           HTN - PNG grayscale
           HTP - PPM heightfield
           HTS - System specific
           HTT - Uncompressed TGA heightfield
           HTX - No histogram output
 HN<name>= histogram filename
 HSx.y   = histogram grid number of x, y divisions

Tracing options

 MB[n]   = use bounding slabs (if more than n objects)
 Qn      = image quality (0 = rough, 9 = full)

 A[0.n]  = perform antialiasing (if color change is above n percent)
 AMn     = use non-adaptive (n=1) or adaptive (n=2) supersampling
 J[n.n]  = set antialiasing-jitter (and amount)
 Rn      = set antialiasing-depth (use n X n rays/pixel)

 UA      = use alpha channel
 UL      = use light buffer
 UV      = use vista buffer

Animation options

 Kn.n    = set frame clock to n.n
 KFIn    = set initial frame number to n

 KFFn    = set final frame number to n
$ povray test.pov +KFF100

 KIn.n   = set initial clock value to n.n
 KFn.n   = set final clock value to n.n
 SFn|0.n = start subset at frame n | start at n percent in sequence
 EFn|0.n = end subset at frame n | end at n percent in sequence
 KC      = calculate clock value for cyclic animation

 UF      = use field rendering
 UO      = use odd lines in odd frames

Redirecting options

 GI<name>= write all .INI parameters to file name
 Gx<name>= write stream x to console (and/or optional file name)
           GA - All streams (except status)
           GD - Debug stream
           GF - Fatal stream
           GR - Render stream
           GS - Statistics stream
           GW - Warning stream


[cfd@utmcc010 advanced]$ mpirun -np 4 povray benchmark.pov
Warning: Warning: Could not set priority: Success

Could not set priority: Success

Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray Tracer Version 3.5 Unix (.Linux.gcc)
 This is an unofficial version compiled by:
  Benajmin Goldbach <benny.goldbach@t-online.de> and Matthias Fueller <matthias_fueller@web.de> - ParaPov Version 1.0
  The POV-Ray Team(tm) is not responsible for supporting this version.
Copyright 1991-2002 POV-Ray Team(tm)

This is Parapov V1.0, a parallel extension to povray
Warning: Could not set priority: Success

Parsing Options
 Input file: benchmark.pov (compatible to version 3.5)
 Remove bounds........On  Split unions........Off
 Library paths: /usr/local/share/povray-3.5
Output Options
 Image resolution 320 by 240 (rows 1 to 240, columns 1 to 320).
 Output file: benchmark.png, 24 bpp PNG
 Graphic display......On  (type: 0, palette: 3, gamma:  2.2)
 Mosaic preview......Off
 CPU usage histogram.Off
 Continued trace.....Off  Allow interruption..Off  Pause when done.....Off
 Verbose messages.....On
Tracing Options
 Quality:  9
 Bounding boxes.......On  Bounding threshold: 3
 Light Buffer.........On  Vista Buffer.........On  Draw Vista Buffer...Off
Animation Options
 Clock value....   0.000  (Animation off)
ParaPov Options
 Block Width.......32
 Block Height......32
 Client Niceness...5
 Client Logging....On
Redirecting Options
 All Streams to console.........Off
 Debug Stream to console.........On
 Fatal Stream to console.........On
 Render Stream to console........On
 Statistics Stream to console....On
 Warning Stream to console.......On

Starting frame 0...
Displaying frame 0...Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified

File Init Error:
The display ':0.0' is not a valid display,

MPI_Recv: process in local group is dead (rank 1, comm 3)
Rank (2, MPI_COMM_WORLD): Call stack within LAM:
Rank (2, MPI_COMM_WORLD): - MPI_Recv()
Rank (2, MPI_COMM_WORLD): - MPI_Barrier()
Rank (2, MPI_COMM_WORLD): - MPI_Barrier()
Rank (2, MPI_COMM_WORLD): - main()

One of the processes started by mpirun has exited with a nonzero exit
code. This typically indicates that the process finished in error.
If your process did not finish in error, be sure to include a "return
0" or "exit(0)" in your C code before exiting the application.

PID 32069 failed on node n0 ( due to signal 13.

MPI_Recv: process in local group is dead (rank 1, SSI:coll:smp:local comm for CID 0)
Rank (3, MPI_COMM_WORLD): Call stack within LAM:
Rank (3, MPI_COMM_WORLD): - MPI_Recv()
Rank (3, MPI_COMM_WORLD): - MPI_Bcast()
Rank (3, MPI_COMM_WORLD): - MPI_Barrier()
Rank (3, MPI_COMM_WORLD): - main()
[cfd@utmcc010 advanced]$ date
2007年 1月 4日 木曜日 22:00:18 JST


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